Tuesday, December 1, 2009

___New Adventures

All I want for Christmas is this...

I know...it looks horrible but it won't when I get through with it!! Hopefully!

Some more ugly shots for you to almost gag over...

I have plans to make this 1971 Metzendorf Canned Ham look just like new. Well, not like it was when it was new but all new inside. I believe it will be too tough to get to vintage state but lets just say it will look good!

Our friend is giving it to us. I think he got overwhelmed after taking some of it apart.
I will take my time as we are almost finished with the Tear and we can now camp in that.
No hurry on this one.
Our Tear is our pride and joy so the plans for this one is to be able to bring more friends along camping who wouldn't normally camp or who wouldn't like to stay in a tent. uck! This will have all the modern conveniences of home.

Follow our remodel here... www.morphingdorf.blogspot.com

I think Husband is not too sure about this one. I'm guessing his philosophy is "If mama ain't happy, then nobody's happy" He's so wonderful!! :o)

Friday, November 20, 2009

___Clean Snowmen!!

Yeah!! This is the first year we will have clean snowmen!!

Hopefully as nice as this one.

Yesterday I cleaned up all the leaves around the yard. First time it's ever been done. C helped me and we got it done in no time. The whole time all I could think about was clean snowmen. hummmm??!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

___Winter Cleaning

I cleaned up around the shop today. The things that just get left and forgotten until I look out my door and notice them. Uggg! I'm sure other people notice all that junk when they drive by or visit. Can't control it all. It's a mess!

I sometimes feel like our place looks like this....

I would like it to look like this...

The motivation level would be so much higher to create in there if I had a shop like Norm's. Inside and out!!! ha

Oh well, it does look better today than it did yesterday.
I'm thinking of staining it an olive green color. Maybe that would be better than the ugly old grey that is painted on everything around this depressing place. Yuck!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

___Way Too Dissapointed!

Again I haven't posted in a little while. I've gotten discouraged with the whole Teardrop thing. I'm bummed! We didn't get to camp at all this year and the season has passed here in Pennsylvania. We've been building for an entire year and I'm just, well, sad!

I have to remind myself that next season is coming and we will get out there. I guess good things come to those who wait. Uggg!
Our friends, T and J came over yesterday to help hubby with some things of which T has some expertise. They too are building a Tear. We talked of our first trip and when it shall be so that is pacifying me....this week.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Wow, it's been a little since I've posted.
We've put the door handles and windows on the Tear. Windows went in so easy but the handles took some tweeking. They now close and lock.

I've signed up for Road Trip Journal. You can click on the right. Not too sure what it's all about yet but I will do some lurking and find out more. Found it on FaceBook.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

___Knock Knock!

We have some doors that actually swing open and closed. The diamond plate is also installed down the sides of the walls.

Next step is the windows and we still need to find where to get the side trim. We have one company searching for us and I need to call them to see if they can get it. If not we will need to pay a pretty penny for what we really want I'm afraid. argghhh!! It will come together, I keep telling myself.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

___Welcome to Our Galley

I'd like to say the galley is all complete. Now we just need to stuff it with all the junk we need for on our trips. I'm resolved to not over pack and only put in there what we're sure we need then start a list while we're out there. I'm sure we can go a couple days without that one thing we've forgotten.

Hubby put the diamond plate/rock deflecter on the front and I must say that it looks marvolous!!!

Two steps closer!!! YAY!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cricut Gypsy

Cricut Cartridges Helper

I'm new to Cricut and just getting started but now I want the newest item. A Gypsy. This thing is amazing!!

The Cricut Gypsy

I could do so much with this thing!! I'm always thinking of crafts to do but just cutting with scissors never gives me the look I want to acheive. ugg! I like original ideas so this Gypsy would help a lot!!

I could win one and so could you if you enter here...

Win a Provocraft Gypsy

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

___The Hatch Is On!!

It quite often seems as if I'm in such a hurry when I write these journal entries. Uggg! Well, I'll write what I can.

The hatch is coming together. Getting it to fit just right is quite the chore. Sanding, shaving, nailing, on with the hatch, off with the hatch and then again. It's on there and it'll seal that's all that matters I guess.

The Hurricane hinge from Grant will keep it from leaking.

All in all it's a very exciting step for us!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

___Diamonds vs. Diamond Plate

Some girls get excited about getting diamonds. Me, I get excited over this kind of diamond. Diamond Plate for the Tear. It's all shiney and new. Can't wait to get it attached!!

There I go again propping it up just to see what it looks like... :o)

So beautiful!!


Monday, September 14, 2009

___TearJerker Gathering at Knoebels

Had some fun at a gathering this past weekend. We went to Knoebels Amusment Park and Campground. We were supposed to be camping but we obviously aren't finished with the Tear yet so we had to cancel and just go for the day.
The TearJerkers are an organization of a bunch of Teardrop and Tiny Travel Trailer owners who gather in Chapters all around the world. This is the Liberty Bell Chapter that we belong to.

Here's some photos from our day.

And some of the kiddos having fun on the rides...

Monday, September 7, 2009

___Ugly Grey to Bright White

The roof material is getting on the Tear. I'm not liking that it's not smooth but hope that it will eventually take on a smooth texture the more coats I get on there.

It's gonna start to rain later I know it. It's real cloudy today. We'll get some coats on then put her away for the evening.

I'm also not liking the way she's looking, kinda like bed head, the paper needs to come off real soon. I like seeing a finished product and she's not real purdy at the moment. Uggg!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

___Up On The Roof

The roof is goin' on. Grey part first then white. Thanks to S we have the material and know how to get this thing under cover.

We've had two beautiful days to get it done on this Labor Day weekend.

Thanks for your help S!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just trying out posting from my new phone...if you can see this, it worked. ;0)

___Camping Buddies

Our friends, Tim and Jayne, are also building a Tear. It's turning out real nice too! Their's is a Benroy style tear.
Here's some photos of theirs for you to enjoy...

We can't wait to get out there! Did I already mention that?


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

___It's In The Bag!


I bought a bag for day trips when we go camping in the Tear. Got it at IKEA. I think it will work perfect!

It's got a zipper pocket and also mesh side pockets.

I even has inside mesh pockets. And nicely insulated.

Only paid 5 buckeroos for it. NICE!!!

___I've Got Mail!


YAY Partial order from Grant has arrived. 50' of door seal.

This means one more step closer to being finished!!!

___Progress Pictures
