Friday, November 20, 2009

___Clean Snowmen!!

Yeah!! This is the first year we will have clean snowmen!!

Hopefully as nice as this one.

Yesterday I cleaned up all the leaves around the yard. First time it's ever been done. C helped me and we got it done in no time. The whole time all I could think about was clean snowmen. hummmm??!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

___Winter Cleaning

I cleaned up around the shop today. The things that just get left and forgotten until I look out my door and notice them. Uggg! I'm sure other people notice all that junk when they drive by or visit. Can't control it all. It's a mess!

I sometimes feel like our place looks like this....

I would like it to look like this...

The motivation level would be so much higher to create in there if I had a shop like Norm's. Inside and out!!! ha

Oh well, it does look better today than it did yesterday.
I'm thinking of staining it an olive green color. Maybe that would be better than the ugly old grey that is painted on everything around this depressing place. Yuck!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

___Way Too Dissapointed!

Again I haven't posted in a little while. I've gotten discouraged with the whole Teardrop thing. I'm bummed! We didn't get to camp at all this year and the season has passed here in Pennsylvania. We've been building for an entire year and I'm just, well, sad!

I have to remind myself that next season is coming and we will get out there. I guess good things come to those who wait. Uggg!
Our friends, T and J came over yesterday to help hubby with some things of which T has some expertise. They too are building a Tear. We talked of our first trip and when it shall be so that is pacifying me....this week.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Wow, it's been a little since I've posted.
We've put the door handles and windows on the Tear. Windows went in so easy but the handles took some tweeking. They now close and lock.

I've signed up for Road Trip Journal. You can click on the right. Not too sure what it's all about yet but I will do some lurking and find out more. Found it on FaceBook.